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About Us

About Us

Our Team

Every day, we all look forward to a higher and further future, keep moving forward and be more confident. Teamwork is the guarantee to success, while concentration makes us better. We have a group of senior engineers who have been working for more than ten years, and we also have a young and energetic new generation of strength. When the technical experts gather together, it will certainly create miracles. We are willing to accept new challenges and believe that tomorrow will be better!

Team Culture

Team Culture

  • We are a wolf team
    At AOTUO, our goals are the same At AOTUO,We work together At AOTUO, we cooperate to win
  • We are a professional team
    Excellence is our pursuit attention to details is our habit customer satisfaction embodies the hard work of all our AOTUO people
  • We are a happy team
    We work and play together we communicate and quarrel together we discuss and grow together
  • We are an ordinary team
    We have no genius here we are all grass roots from ordinary backgrounds but we have the common ideal and great ambition to be NO.1
Engineering team

The engineering team, as the terminal executive organization of the company, holds an important mission.  The company's engineering team, led by a group of experienced engineers and technicians, followed the engineering management system and faced with hundreds of products of the company, they personally trained and handed them to customers as if they were daughters. Customer satisfaction is their greatest happiness.  In the following after-sales service process, good quality and efficient handling are their promises to customers.

Production team

AOTUO production team consists of more than 50 production workers, 20% of whom have worked in the company or industry for more than 10 years.  The team has 6 AWS certified welders, 10 senior welders, 2 senior fitters and 4 senior lathe workers and other multi-job and high-tech talents.


The processing workshop is equipped with one plasma numerical control cutting machine imported from Germany, four large machine tools and a total of more than 20 other processing machines, which can meet various processing requirements.  Workshop management has always adhered to the 6S management mode as the criterion, and earnestly implemented the 6S management mode.  The company has always adhered to the quality management method of " keep improving and never stop", which has continuously improved the product quality and customer recognition in recent years.

Sales team

    AOTUO Marketing Center has two departments, the domestic marketing department and the international marketing department, which maintain a high market share in the domestic market while continuously expanding international business.  Here, there is no shortage of elites with professional knowledge and professional ability, sales backbones who have been engaged in the sales industry for more than 20 years, as well as fresh and energetic new forces.  As they are fighting in the front line of the market, they regard performance as dignity, take customer satisfaction and market demand as the pursuit goal, self - pressurize, continuously improve, and present the best products to customers with the most professional spirit and the most professional attitude.

Technical team

Through more than ten years of accumulation and reform, the company's technical team has now developed into a stepped technical team with five specialties ( mechanical, electrical, cement technology, steel structure, hydraulic ) and more than 20 people.  Structurally, the company is composed of a professor-level senior engineer, 5 senior engineers, 13 engineers, 5 assistant engineers and a number of practical engineers. At the same time, the company also actively cooperates with various universities, design institutes and social experts.


As a technology-based and research-and-development enterprise, the company attaches great importance to technology, and all members of the technology department will make every effort to cooperate to give satisfactory answers to customers and the company.

Deng Lei
job:Board welding monitor Job Title:Senior technician education:High school


He took part in the work in 2000 and worked in machinery and sheet metal for 18 years. Joined AOTUO in 2007, he engaged in sheet metal and equipment assembly, and participated in the production and improvement of all series of products of the company. In recent years, he has led the team to keep 100% qualified rate of products leaving the factory. Starting in 2017, he participated in the installation and commissioning of the latest generation of coal unloader research and development of the company, and put forward dozens of improvement suggestions to pave the way for the development of the company.

Wang Zhenxin
job:Senior project manager Job Title:Senior technician education:High school


Since 1970, he has been engaged in the management of mechanical equipment. He has a deep understanding of both mechanical and electrical technologies, and is very accomplished in internal combustion engine technology. In 1981, he began to contact with cement equipment and production lines, and served as technical section chief and workshop director. In 2007, as the chief designer and deputy factory director, he designed and planned a complete set of artificial board production lines and factories. Joined AOTUO in 2009, as the first batch of employees in the company, they worked hard. During this period, he participated in the installation, technological transformation and research and development of hundreds of screw ship unloaders of various types, which contributed to the development of screw ship unloaders and the company.

Shen Tianxing
job:Senior project manager Job Title:Engineer education:Junior college


Since 1980, he has been engaged in cement production and management of cement machinery and equipment. He used to be the equipment chief and production director of key cement enterprises. He has a very deep understanding of cement technology, transfer station technology and civil engineering technology. For many years, he has often participated in the technical transformation guidance and preparation work of various cement plants as an expert. In 2005, he joined AOTUO as the earliest founding employee and has worked hard till now. During this period, he participated in installation, technological transformation and research and development of hundreds of screw ship unloaders of various types, which made great contributions to the development of screw ship unloaders and the company.

Zhang Xuedong
job:Manager of Electrical Technology Department Job Title:Senior engineer education:Bachelor degree


Graduated from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, majoring in electronic engineering. Since joining the work in 1991, he has been engaged in the electrical control industry and is very familiar with automatic control technology and electronic technology. He joined AOTUO Institute of Automatic Control Technology as an engineer in 1996. In 2004, as the co-founder of AOTUO Autocontrol ( later AOTUO Technology ), he served as the director of electrical technology until now. Participate in the design and development of hundreds of automatic control systems and production lines, including the current domestic maximum daily production of 12000t cement rotary kiln production line automatic control system.

Yuan Xikan
job:AOTUO vice chairman Job Title:Senior engineer, supervision engineer, cost engineer education:MPM master


For 34 years since 1985, he has been engaged in technical work in the building materials industry. He is an industry expert in cement technology, building materials machinery, ready-mixed mortar production line and other related technologies. He is now a member of the expert database of Zhejiang Science and Technology Department. In 2003, as a co - founder, AOTUO Electromechanical Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. ( the predecessor of AOTUO ) was founded, and has served as chairman, general manager, legal representative, chief engineer and other positions. During this period, he also served as vice-chairman and deputy director of various associations in the industry.

Zhao Pan
job:Chief Technical Adviser Job Title:professor level senior engineer education:Bachelor degree


He graduated from the mechanical department of Zhejiang university in 1961 and designed various agricultural machinery after taking part in the work. In 1965, he designed hydraulic door closers, brick making machines, machine tools and other various fixtures in Zhejiang Gufang Machinery Factory. In 1979, the 2.2 - meter by 8.5 - meter hydraulic ratchet sharp turn transmission mechanical shaft kiln developed by Jiaxing Cement Factory won the Golden Dragon Award of the State Economic Commission. In 1987, the Chief Engineer of Jiaxing Science and Technology Association Consulting Center presided over the design of 8 cement plants. Among them, Jiaxing Xinfeng Cement Plant was replaced by the State General Administration of Building Materials as a demonstration line for 50,000 - ton mechanical vertical kilns. It was also the first project to apply continuous pneumatic homogenization silo to the south of the Yangtze River. He joined AOTUO in 2004 and served as chief engineer, general manager and legal representative. Over the past ten years, the first spiral ship unloader in China and other types of spiral ship unloaders with derivative numbers have been successively developed, breaking the long-term monopoly position of internationally renowned companies. At present, he works as the chief technical consultant of AOTUO Technology Department and is responsible for the leading development and review of ship unloader and new products.

Board welding monitorDeng Lei

Senior project managerWang Zhenxin

Senior project managerShen Tianxing

Manager of Electrical Technology DepartmentZhang Xuedong

AOTUO vice chairmanYuan Xikan

Chief Technical AdviserZhao Pan